Monday 30 April 2012

At some point in the last ten years as crate-digging, re-discovering lost classics and forming alternate canons reached a pitch, several rock albums/bands from the early ‘70s were held up as being just as good if not actually better than Sabbath etc. Pentagram were one such etc, but personally I think they are a bit over-rated. The three bands that really seem to have been unfairly excluded (but have now been brought into the fold) are May Blitz, both of whose albums are also tremendously unrock in fascinating ways, Sir Lord Baltimore, and Leaf Hound.

Phil Zone reckons Leaf Hounds “ Drowned Myself in Fear” is the Holy Grail of Seventies’ rock and he may well be correct, but I thought I would post something by the the other two bands for your (and my own) delectation and I welcome any corrections/ invitations to explore further in the comments’ box below.

(or any additional posts in this thread by fellow bloggers.)


Phil also nominates this;

Further update and riposte.

Phil also points out this.

and I remember this...

that's a lot of wah-wah.


Anonymous said...

oh man.... I got lost in Head Heritage this weekend too...

Phil Knight said...

What a name! What an image! What a record sleeve!:

Sadly they were anywhere between 5 and 15 years too early.

carl said...

Nice one,

we should get Matt Woebot involved in this, except he has retired from blogging....

Any suggestions Ralph....doesn't have to be "obscure"...

Anonymous said...

oof. i defer :-o mw

Anonymous said...

Christ Phil, that's amazing!

Sorry Carl, I got nothing that isn't from Cope's hardrocksampler. Only now do I realise how much my life has been lacking up until now.

Phil Knight said...

I've posted this one before, but I think it's absolute top quality:

They're a great example of how a bad manager can really destroy a career - they pretty much had everything else going for them.

They weren't even called Orang-Utan, they were called Hunter - their manager changed the name to release their stuff in the US without them knowing.

Martin Wisse said...

Leaf Hound is pretty good, but no love for Black Cat Bones?